• Location: Europe & Middle East

Zafer Achi

Expand the range of possible choices that is available to them in every moment. I have found that little goodness comes from reacting to the world only from our worn-out default routines. As humans, we are born to grow; the ever increasing complexity of the world challenges us to and and our potential is limitless. We may as well take advantage of it to make the world a better place, and to bring joy and ease to our lives.

Individual senior executives (chairs, CEOs, CFOs), irrespective of sectors. Executive teams, with a particular emphasis on family-owned businesses. Companies with leadership development ambitions, particularly in professional services and technology.

I have had the privilege of coaching one leader for over ten years across three role transitions in two different organisations. Our work has helped him grow from a talented but problematic and unhappy executive leading a fairly small business to become the celebrated and fulfilled chairman of a major regulatory institution. Along the way, I have occasionally worked with his team with the dual aim of raising its effectiveness and supporting his own growth.

In full mutual trust, or not at all. Full mutual trust also means great flexibility in contractual terms.

I have lived and worked in a dozen countries, so I have considerable intercultural agility. I have spent over 30 years as a management consultant, so I can easily relate to business contexts and to strategic and organizational challenges. I have deep curiosity about the way we humans make sense of our worlds. I love growing myself and growing others.

“My work with Zafer started with a change of ownership at Alamar and the complexity it brought to the board and day to day work environment.

Zafer played a significant role in the development of my self awareness, transformation as a leader and the way I show up and interact with the board and my leadership team.
The success we achieved encouraged us to also shape my surrounding by taking the entire leadership team on a development journey. Our work translated in exceptional performance and growth in the business and the individuals themselves.

Zafer has an amazing ability to promote continuous learning and development. He helped me lead in difficult times, navigate through complexity and uncertainty and most importantly find the right work life balance. My family and I are forever grateful.”

Ibrahim Al Jammaz
Chairman and CEO
Alamar Foods

Answer goes here….

Co-Chair of Cultivating Leadership’s Board

I can draw on a vast panoply of methods. I choose those most suited to the situation. I switch between approached as needed.

So many things! I am a father of six wonderful young adults, and each of these relationships keeps me honest. I am an outdoors lover who satisfies his lust for nature on daily basis riding my roadbike through the picturesque medieval villages of the Gers. I am a foodie who loves eating and cooking and drinking. Most importantly, I love banter and laughter.

I am aware of my own limitations – for example, I know when not to cross the boundary between coaching and therapy, and if needed refer clients to professionals that are better suited than I am.

I am not interested in taking on assignments that require ‘measuring’ impact in a narrow way and / or to diligently following a pre-determined process.