
Growth Edge
Coaching Courses

Growth Edge Coaching is for coaches, leadership development experts, leaders, and other humans who are interested in this transformational change. For more than fifteen years, we have used our deep expertise and experience to show others practical ways to have deeper conversations, to ask better questions, and to support real and lasting change.

Come learn with us!

Conversations at the Edge
14 hours over 10 weeks

Dancing at the Edge
12 hours over 5 weeks

Mapping the Edge
14 hours over 12 weeks


Life brings us all the challenges we need to intentionally evolve. The difficulty is taking the struggles that come from the rising complexity, uncertainty, and conflict and using them for good, rather than being fatigued or paralyzed. Learning how to metabolize these challenges into growth is what will ultimately enable you to transform yourself and others around you.

Growth Edge Coaching is for coaches, leaders, and other humans who are interested in leadership development and transformational change. For more than fifteen years, we have used our deep expertise and experience to have deeper conversations, to ask better questions, and to support real and lasting change. Come learn with us!

Jennifer Garvey Berger’s much-acclaimed book Changing on the Job, based on adult development theory (also known as vertical development), describes a way of coaching developmentally that stretches our way of meaning-making and grows our capacity for perspective and complexity.

We call this Growth Edge Coaching! 


The International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredits the programs with continuing coaching education units (CCE’s) follows:


Conversations at the Edge

Core Competencies 21 units

Resource Development 19 units


Dancing at the Edge

Core Competencies 10 units

Resource Development 2 units


Mapping the Edge

Core Competencies 29 units

Resource Development 7 units


Conversations at the Edge

You explore how you and others make meaning from their experiences. When we listen to others’ sense-making, we do so through our own sense-making. Growth Edge Coaching raises a plethora of new questions, beyond consisting of a set of ideas and tools.

You know those conversations that open up entirely new possibilities? Where a question opens up a whole new vista of perspectives? In this course, we offer a new form of listening and questioning that will open up a new kind of curiosity for you as you have conversations with your clients – or your partner, your kids, or others. Learn the difference between the content of someone’s thinking and the structure of someone’s sense-making. 

We slow down the process of conversations—reading interviews, engaging in deep conversations together, and feeling what it’s like to be on our growing edge. And because sense-making is more than a cognitive experience, we use our whole bodies as we explore, paying attention to our thinking, feelings, and sensations.

The course builds on the first three chapters of Jennifer Garvey Berger’s book, Changing on the Job: Developing leaders for a complex world. That introduces sense-making and outlines how that can help enhance executive coaching.

The course can be taken independently and would serve as a foundation for applying sense-making as well as adult development theory, vertical development, and meaning-making. The International Coach Federation (ICF) accredits this course with continuing coaching education units (CCE) Core Competencies 21, Resource Development 19.

Conversations at the Edge was previously called Conversations at the Growing Edge.


Dancing at the Edge

You start integrating Growth Edge Coaching into your existing coaching practices. You practice stepping out of traditional coaching and helping clients explore their sense-making, asking different questions, taking multiple perspectives, and noticing patterns.

In this course, we practice weaving developmental approaches throughout your conversations and coaching sessions, to discover the sometimes invisible patterns inside the way people experience particular dilemmas.

Once we see the patterns, we can help expand the solution space for our clients, helping them discover new possibilities in themselves and the situations they face. As with all of our courses, we practice as we learn, exploring our own sense-making as we understand the sense-making of others. This module also includes discussion and practice of specific coaching approaches that might be helpful with clients who seem to be in particular developmental transitions.

Completing the Conversation at the Edge course is a prerequisite for participating in the Dancing at the Edge course. The International Coach Federation (ICF) accredits this course with continuing coaching education units (CCE), Core Competencies 10, Resource Development 2.

Dancing at the Edge was previously called Psychologically Spacious Coaching


Mapping at the Edge

Start conversing with your clients about how they see the world using the Growth Edge Interview technique. Learn how to use this effective process to help people explore the edges of their growth.

Once you begin to explore growing edges, though, you might want to have conversations with your clients about the way they see the world. Knowing how helpful this set of ideas and theories is to your own development, the next thing you’re likely to want to do is share it. This is the course for you!

In this course, we move from having conversations at the edge to Mapping the Edge–with our clients. In this practical and highly-applied course, we practice all of the components of the Growth Edge Coaching process: conducting a full Growth Edge Interview, creating an exploratory narrative to share with your client, and talking with your client about their developmental trajectory.

And because you’ll have a turn being both client and coach in this practice, you’ll get the benefits of experiencing some Growth Edge coaching of your own and understanding the true developmental power of this process.


Conversations at the Edge

Virtual course delivered by Zoom

Virtual course delivered by Zoom

May 14th Jul 23rd, 2025  /  6:00 8:00pm  /  Sydney (AEST)

  • Dates & Time

    May 14th Jul 23rd, 2025

    6:00 8:00pm  /  Sydney (AEST)

  • Fee

    USD $1250

    We are offering an Early Bird Fee of USD $999 until 19th March.
    Thereafter full price of USD $1250.

  • Pre requisites


  • Sessions

    Session 1May 14th, 20256:00pm2 hours
    Session 2May 28th, 20256:00pm2 hours
    Q&A 1June 10th, 20256:00pm2 hours
    Session 3June 11th, 20256:00pm2 hours
    Session 4June 25th, 20256:00pm2 hours
    Session 5July 9th, 20256:00pm2 hours
    Q&A 2July 22nd, 20256:00pm2 hours
    Session 6July 23rd, 20256:00pm2 hours
  • Format

    The course consists of six 2-hour, live virtual sessions and two live virtual 1-hour Q&A sessions. Between sessions, there is an hour or so of solo work plus about an hour meeting with an assigned trio (which is supported by a Peer Support Coach).

    The first three chapters of Jennifer Garvey Berger’s book Changing on the Job: Developing Leaders for a Complex World form a foundation and are mandatory pre-reading.

    Meeting with your assigned trio buddies between sessions is essential, and you need to commit to this part of the workshop for your own learning and to support your group. There will also be a small amount of solo work between sessions that will help you get the most out of the live virtual sessions.

    If you cannot attend a live session you may listen to the recording of the live session, complete the group work, then complete a form to demonstrate learning. This is essential if you want to complete the workshop to receive ICF credits or attend advanced Growth Edge Coaching workshops.

    The facilitated sessions use the ZOOM platform, which participants can download and use free of charge.

    You must complete the course to receive ICF credits.


Billing Address
Payment Method(Required)
Supported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa
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Conversations at the Edge

Virtual course delivered by Zoom

Virtual course delivered by Zoom

Sep 16th Nov 25th, 2025  /  11:00 1:00pm  /  New York (EDT)

  • Dates & Time

    Sep 16th Nov 25th, 2025

    11:00 1:00pm  /  New York (EDT)

  • Fee

    USD $1250

    We are offering an Early Bird Fee of USD $999 until 29th July.
    Thereafter full price of USD $1250.

  • Pre requisites


  • Sessions

    Session 1September 16th, 202511:00am2 hours
    Session 2September 30th, 202511:00am2 hours
    Q&A 1October 13th, 202511:00am2 hours
    Session 3October 14th, 202511:00am2 hours
    Session 4October 28th, 202511:00am2 hours
    Session 5November 11th, 202511:00am2 hours
    Q&A 2November 24th, 202511:00am1 hour
    Session 6November 25th, 202511:00am2 hours
  • Format

    The course consists of six 2-hour, live virtual sessions and two live virtual 1-hour Q&A sessions. Between sessions, there is an hour or so of solo work plus about an hour meeting with an assigned trio (which is supported by a Peer Support Coach).

    The first three chapters of Jennifer Garvey Berger’s book Changing on the Job: Developing Leaders for a Complex World form a foundation and are mandatory pre-reading.

    Meeting with your assigned trio buddies between sessions is essential, and you need to commit to this part of the workshop for your own learning and to support your group. There will also be a small amount of solo work between sessions that will help you get the most out of the live virtual sessions.

    If you cannot attend a live session you may listen to the recording of the live session, complete the group work, then complete a form to demonstrate learning. This is essential if you want to complete the workshop to receive ICF credits or attend advanced Growth Edge Coaching workshops.

    The facilitated sessions use the ZOOM platform, which participants can download and use free of charge.

    You must complete the course to receive ICF credits.


Billing Address
Payment Method(Required)
Supported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Dancing at the Edge

Virtual course delivered by Zoom

Virtual course delivered by Zoom

Sep 24th Oct 29th, 2025  /  6:00 8:00pm  /  Adelaide (ACST)

  • Dates & Time

    Sep 24th Oct 29th, 2025

    6:00 8:00pm  /  Adelaide (ACST)

  • Fee

    USD $1250

    We are offering an Early Bird Fee of USD $999 until 13th August.
    Thereafter full price of USD $1250.

  • Pre requisites

    Conversations at the Edge

  • Sessions

    Session 1September 24th, 20256:00pm2 hours
    Session 2October 1st, 20256:00pm2 hours
    Session 3October 8th, 20256:00pm2 hours
    Session 4October 15th, 20256:00pm2 hours
    Session 5October 22nd, 20256:00pm2 hours
    Session 6October 29th, 20256:00pm2 hours
  • Format

    Six weekly 2-hour sessions via Zoom. Attendance at live sessions is mandatory for course completion and ICF credits.


Billing Address
Payment Method(Required)
Supported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Mapping the Edge

Virtual course delivered by Zoom

Virtual course delivered by Zoom

Apr 22nd Jul 15th, 2025  /  7:00 9:00am  /  Sydney (AEST)

  • Dates & Time

    Apr 22nd Jul 15th, 2025

    7:00 9:00am  /  Sydney (AEST)

  • Fee

    USD $1500

    We are offering an Early Bird Fee of USD $1250 until 22nd February.
    Thereafter full price of USD $1500.

  • Pre requisites

    Conversations at the Edge

  • Sessions

    Session 1April 22nd, 20257:00am2 hours
    Session 2May 6th, 20257:00am2 hours
    Session 3May 20th, 20257:00am2 hours
    Session 4June 3rd, 20257:00am2 hours
    Session 5June 10th, 20257:00am2 hours
    Session 6June 24th, 20257:00am2 hours
    Session 7July 15th, 20257:00am2 hours
  • Format

    Seven 2-hour sessions via Zoom, plus between session work in trios. Trio work is essential to complete the course. Completion of the workshop is mandatory for course completion and ICF credits.


Billing Address
Payment Method(Required)
Supported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Cancellation & Terms

Payment is fully refundable up to 28 days before the start of the event, less a 13% processing fee; it is not refundable thereafter. If the event is under-enrolled, we reserve the right to cancel 28 days prior to the event start date, and refund your registration fee in full.


Our intro course, Conversations at the Edge, is the prerequisite for our two advanced courses, and must be taken first. Afterwards, you are free to take the two advanced courses in any order you desire. That being said, we do consider Mapping at the Edge to be the most “challenging” of the three courses in terms of both content and time commitment.

Yes, you still need to take Conversations at the Edge despite any previous trainings you have done. We have experimented with this in the past, and found that nothing else can replicate the learning from this course, especially when it comes to the small-group work that is central to the Growth Edge Coaching experience.

The Growth Edge Coaching approach is built on the foundation of Robert Kegan’s Subject-Object Interview (SOI) alongside Jane Loevinger’s theory of ego development, as interpreted by Bill Torbert and Suzann Cook-Greuter. Unlike the SOI, which primarily served as a research method, the Growth Edge process emphasizes practical application, making it more useful for creating the possibilities for development. For deeper insights into the distinctions between the two see, “Changing on the Job: Developing leaders for complex times” by Jennifer Garvey Berger (Chapter 3).

We have made significant efforts to make sure our courses are priced fairly compared to other offerings in this market, while maintaining the value that these courses offer, both to our faculty and to you as a participant. That being said, we do not want price to be a barrier in attending, and work to be as inclusive as possible when it comes to pricing. Please reach out directly if the cost is prohibitive for you.

Chapters 1-3 of Changing on the Job are currently required pre-reading for Conversations at the Edge.

In many cases, it is possible to watch the session recording and complete a session learnings form to make up for the missed live session. Homework will always need to be completed in-between sessions. Attendance at live sessions is compulsory for Dancing at the Edge – please do not register if you think you will miss a session.