Governance in complexity
Boards today govern amid their own unique contextual cocktail—technological, societal, environmental, market, and labor shifts—all evolving faster than current governance structures are designed to respond.
Without alignment, clarity, and complexity-friendly approaches, boards risk continued missteps, miscommunication, and missed opportunities. To navigate these challenges, leaders must adapt together to effectively respond to threats and seize emerging opportunities.

Cultivating Leadership helps boards and governance teams find alignment, create a collective understanding of their terrain, and clarify the role of governance in today’s complex world.
Together, we’ll find your board’s developmental edge, helping you evolve your ways of working to respond to threats and embrace the opportunities presented by change with confidence and purpose.
Unlock your board’s potential to lead in a complex world with clarity and impact.

How Cultivating Leadership can help
Our approach begins with discovery, where we tailor interventions to your board’s unique needs and evolving context:
- Discovery and insights: We will help you uncover your Board’s current dynamics and identify opportunities for growth through interviews, surveys, observation and feedback on interpersonal dynamics.
- Capability building: We equip your governance team to create the conditions needed to embrace complexity, clarify roles, and create alignment on risk profiles and governance fundamentals. This includes Complexity Fitness exercises designed by our team to improve cultural dynamics, like how to handle disagreement constructively.
Exploring the external context: Leaders will learn to notice and identify weak signals, patterns, and drivers of change. Using narrative exercises to connect the past with potential futures, boards will be able to confidently communicate with shareholders and executives and guide them through the organization’s evolution.

Governance teams equipped for complexity have the confidence to navigate evolving internal and external environments with ease, ensuring a sustainable future for the organization.
Key outcomes include:
- Effective governance: Greater efficiency in handling compliance and decision-making for everyday challenges, and more attention and greater effectiveness in shepherding decision-making on complex issues.
- Strategic agility: Learn as a group to adapt decisively to change.
- Dynamic leadership: Foster collaboration with executive teams, stakeholders and shareholders.
- Future readiness: Detect and respond to emerging trends and opportunities.
- Continuous growth: Operate at the learning edge, enabling ongoing development and impact.

We customize our approach to suit your organization’s needs, offering a range of formats:
- Tasters: 60–90 minutes
- Workshops: Half-day, full-day, or multi-day sessions
- Integrative programs: combining coaching, mentoring, and actionable tools
- Strategy development: Sessions to draft and refine strategies in real time.
Our work is immediate, actionable, and deeply relevant, designed to equip your governance team for the complexity present in your environment.
Discover real-world governance solutions for navigating the complexities of today’s world.
Ready to take the next step?
Discover other adaptive offerings
Leading in Complexity
We work at multiple levels, from scalable leadership development programs that support leaders throughout the organization to lead in complexity, to working with intact and cross-functional teams to be more adept and high-functioning.
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Evolving Healthy Systems
We help organizations be fit for evolution and complexity, specifically in the areas of organization design and development, change management, and the challenges of becoming ever more inclusive workplaces amidst demographic and generational shifts.
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Governance in Complexity
Many governance structures are outdated, given the permeability of organizational boundaries and new ways of relating and doing business. Previous strategies geared towards the predictable are insufficient. We build practices for new ways of governing and take a complexity-friendly approach to strategy.