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Barcelona, Spain

Complexity Fitness

**postponed, tentative dates TBC
November 6-9, 2020

With Carolyn Coughlin and Patrice Laslett of Cultivating Leadership, and Marie Pace at The Barcelona International Peace Center

This workshop is for leaders and leadership coaches who are looking to become better able to thrive in the complexities currently challenging organisations and our world. Whether you are familiar with the ideas of complexity or just becoming acquainted, we will invite you to bring a personal challenge that you can work on while learning handy tools to help you explore the problem. By exploring the contexts in which we find ourselves, how we show up in them and act differently in them, we can make dramatic progress on challenges that we have been battling for some time.

Note: This offering of the workshop is intended primarily for people in the peace building field and we will be using that backdrop during the workshop – the principles however will apply in any complex scenario.