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Ambitious Conversations

All sessions are delivered at 5pm Central European Time / 11am US EDT
April 20, May 11, and
June 8, 2021

What helps and hinders dreams and aspirations? Join author Nicolai Tillisch for a series of conversations that build on his book Return on Ambition: A Radical Approach to Your Achievement, Growth, and Well-Being, published this year by Fast Company Press.

What you’ll discover

Ambitions are, by nature, two-faced. They show us the way to greatness, but at the same time they threaten our joy and can sabotage our life journey.

Ambitious Conversations is made up of three 90-minute conversations, with each covering a particular question.

  • How do you relate to your own ambitions?
  • How can you help ambitious people?
  • How might you design work and organizations for ambitious people?

You can register for the entire series, or choose the conversation about which you are most curious.

Who should come?

This series is a must for coaches, mentors, higher education professionals, L&D and HR professionals, and anybody else who’s interested in this topic.


FREE. All three of these conversations come at no cost to you.

About Nicolai

Nicolai and his co-author have studied the nature of ambition, and how some people stay successful over time while living a fulfilling life. They surveyed and interviewed a diverse, international group of ambitious people. The system that they offer in the book builds on psychological research by Bob Kegan, Lisa Lahey, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, and K. Anders Ericsson, amongst several others, as well as recent findings in neuroscience.

See more and register here